How We Can Help

We provide financial consulting services and asset management.  Our customers expect and receive the highest level of honest and dependable service.  We use a holistic approach; we take your financial health seriously.
Working Years
Your retirement may seem years away, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put money away today. The earlier you begin the longer your money has to grow and earn. In the early working years it can feel like a juggling act to balance mortgage, family expenses, children’s education, emergency funds and savings for retirement.  As you advance through your working years your earnings are higher and your household bills are often lower freeing up more money to funnel towards retirement. Growth investments carry more risk but in your early working years your portfolio can recover if it encounters volatility.  As you get closer to retirement you might shift towards more conservative investment strategies.
Near Retirement
So now you’re getting closer to retirement.  Does it look like you’ll have enough income to meet your monthly needs? What is your projected monthly budget?  Do you want to be a snowbird, buy property in a warm climate; maybe you want to spend summers at the cabin with a new boat and Jet Ski?  Can you afford to finance the lifestyle you want without touching your retirement fund?

If you don’t think you’ll have enough now is the time to consider delaying retirement or increasing your income.
At the same time continue to contribute the yearly maximum to your RSP and maximize any unused RSP contribution.

Now is the time to focus on security and how to make your money last through retirement.   That means maintaining the money you’ve saved, while still using it to generate income.   Focus on conservative investments that are designed to protect capital and security.  If you’re planning to leave money to children or charities incorporate that into your overall spending forecast.
Your early retirement lifestyle may be significantly different from later years which will affect how much you spend, how you invest and how you deal with other assets.  You’ll also require an estate plan and an up-to-date living will and will.
At some point you’ll have to move your RSP to an income option, such as an annuity. Government regulations require you to do this when you turn 71.
Whether retirement is years away or around the corner we’ll manage your financial plan at any stage.

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