Retirement Compensation Account

Retirement Compensation Accounts (RCAs) offer a range of advantages for business executives and key staff, making them an ideal vehicle for financing retirement goals in a tax-efficient manner. Consider the following major benefits:

  • No contribution limits: RCAs provide flexibility by allowing contributions without the restrictions imposed by contribution limits.
  • No payout restrictions: Unlike some retirement plans, RCAs have no limitations on payout schedules, granting greater control over when and how funds are distributed.
  • No impact on other retirement savings plans: RCAs do not affect registered retirement savings plans or retirement restoration plan contribution caps, ensuring compatibility with existing retirement strategies.
  • Asset protection: Retirement compensation account assets are held in trust, safeguarding them from potential company creditors or beneficiaries outside of applicable retirement rules.

Including RCAs in a well-managed business’s toolkit is crucial for retaining executive key staff. They are particularly effective for firms generating profits exceeding $200,000, with individuals ideally between the ages of 35 and 50 and earning annual incomes greater than $75,000. Moreover, individuals aged 50 and above can optimize the benefits if their annual incomes surpass $100,000.

If your firm is considering supplemental pension and savings plans to attract and retain key staff, or if you have already taken steps in this direction, it is essential to consult with us. We specialize in developing retirement compensation account models that maximize company tax benefits while optimizing executive employee tax deferrals, ensuring a win-win scenario for both parties.